Week 9 : Family Love <3

Write a post on one of the following topics

  • What makes a great family
  • A global issue you would like to help solve
  • My future
  • Visiting overseas

My choices are limited and I don’t want to keep you here all day long, so I am going to do the topic of “What makes a great family.”  I’ll actually do this post through a poem.  Before I show you the poem, I want to first talk about the subject of ‘family’.

Families should be people who are related to each other and love each other no matter what.  Some familes don’t even have to be related to love each other.  I think families are one of the best things in the world because they are the people who motivate you and help you through bad times.

The reason why I chose this subject is because I wanted to talk about something that was important to me.  My famliy is the best in the world and I love them very much.  Now without further a-do, here is the poem.

A Great Family

A family that’s great

has no hate.

A family that’s great

has love everyday.

A family that’s great

doesn’t care about the weight.

A family that’s great

doesn’t have any debate.

A family that’s great

has one amazing trait.

Love is that trait

and it is great.


Look at these to : http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poems/family/family/
